Saturday, February 18, 2012

Moment of Impact

For some the moment of impact is substantial, noticeable, and clear. But for me it is not. My moment of impact is unrecognizable, although it was sudden and powerful nonetheless. I am what I am and I do what I do because I am broken. I honestly have no desire to return or to be fixed. My moment of impact I know came out of falling in love and failing. My moment of impact does not discriminate on a specific moment in time, but rather from an ongoing battle within myself to realize and accept my fate as such. Maybe not so much a personal failing, but maybe perhaps being failed by everyone else. I now live without expectation, I accept the things that in which I have no  power to control, and I am strong enough to withstand the worst reticule that I place upon myself and from others....I am human, I am emotional, and I am very real.

I wish for love. I wish for health. I wish for a happy and successful life. I make love. I have health. I make my life happy and with moderate successl. I receive only my own love and I take nothing of such from others.  I give love the best way I can. I seduce and make what I will...only for the moment....however long or short it may be. But what I offer for myself and for others is nothing short of a moment of time. This moment of time to feel, be felt, and be moved....perhaps a moment of impact...or not.

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